UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) has tightened the screw after the operation of the active Aadhaar machine in Rajasthan in Bengal, Gwalior and Assam. Now in Rajasthan, only Aadhaar machines can be operated at government places with Rajnet facility and the general public will have to go to the same places and get Aadhaar card made.
The Unique Identification Authority of India has begun to clamp down on fake Aadhaar centers. Now, in Rajasthan, Aadhaar centers will be able to operate only in places with 'Rajnet' facility. Now if any person goes outside the scope of Rajnet and operates the Aadhaar machine, then immediately after 30 minutes he will be blacklisted. In the state, the DOIT has provided Rajnet Internet facility in the Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti, Atal Seva Kendra, Zilla Parishad and Collectorate, police stations, ie government buildings where Rajnet facility is available, Aadhaar centers can be operated in those places.
Project officer Sitaram Swaroop said that some such complaints have been received that active Aadhaar machines in Rajasthan are working in other states including Bengal, Gwalior, Assam and making Aadhaar cards at the same places. After investigating this, more than 50 Aadhaar card machines have been shut down.
While issuing the order, UIDAI has said that if Rajnet operates a base machine other than Rajasthan State Wide Area Network, then it will be immediately known from the IP address. On operating the base machine from another network, it will be blacklisted immediately. On the other hand, if the machine is taken to make Aadhaar card in the camp organized by the government, then for this, permission will have to be obtained from the Registrar appointed by the UIDAI, for which the UIDAI has appointed Rajcom as the Registrar.
Significantly, in the name of making Aadhaar cards, E-Mitra kiosk operators started charging more money. Its complaints were continuously reaching UIDAI. After this, since last year, UIDAI closed the Aadhaar centers operated at e-Mitra kiosks, private shops. After that, orders were issued to run Aadhaar centers under the supervision of officers only in government offices, but some vicious Aadhar card centers operators have broken it and got machines allotted to the address of government offices and are making Aadhaar cards in other states.
The number of Aadhaar card centers in Rajasthan is decreasing considerably after the UIDAI clampdown on Aadhaar card operators, due to which a person has to wait for a month to get his Aadhaar card made. Not only this, in some districts, people are struggling to leave their work and get Aadhaar cards made in the early morning lines.
The Unique Identification Authority of India has begun to clamp down on fake Aadhaar centers. Now, in Rajasthan, Aadhaar centers will be able to operate only in places with 'Rajnet' facility. Now if any person goes outside the scope of Rajnet and operates the Aadhaar machine, then immediately after 30 minutes he will be blacklisted. In the state, the DOIT has provided Rajnet Internet facility in the Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti, Atal Seva Kendra, Zilla Parishad and Collectorate, police stations, ie government buildings where Rajnet facility is available, Aadhaar centers can be operated in those places.
Project officer Sitaram Swaroop said that some such complaints have been received that active Aadhaar machines in Rajasthan are working in other states including Bengal, Gwalior, Assam and making Aadhaar cards at the same places. After investigating this, more than 50 Aadhaar card machines have been shut down.
While issuing the order, UIDAI has said that if Rajnet operates a base machine other than Rajasthan State Wide Area Network, then it will be immediately known from the IP address. On operating the base machine from another network, it will be blacklisted immediately. On the other hand, if the machine is taken to make Aadhaar card in the camp organized by the government, then for this, permission will have to be obtained from the Registrar appointed by the UIDAI, for which the UIDAI has appointed Rajcom as the Registrar.
Significantly, in the name of making Aadhaar cards, E-Mitra kiosk operators started charging more money. Its complaints were continuously reaching UIDAI. After this, since last year, UIDAI closed the Aadhaar centers operated at e-Mitra kiosks, private shops. After that, orders were issued to run Aadhaar centers under the supervision of officers only in government offices, but some vicious Aadhar card centers operators have broken it and got machines allotted to the address of government offices and are making Aadhaar cards in other states.
The number of Aadhaar card centers in Rajasthan is decreasing considerably after the UIDAI clampdown on Aadhaar card operators, due to which a person has to wait for a month to get his Aadhaar card made. Not only this, in some districts, people are struggling to leave their work and get Aadhaar cards made in the early morning lines.